

Did You Know Everyone Has the Potential to be the CEO?

By Maria Sells, IPLI Mentor and Director of Improvement Services with AdvancED

51kLln+uylL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_August is an exciting time of year for students, teachers, and school leaders who are ready to kick off a brand new year of learning. There is nothing better than experiencing the sights, sounds, and energy of those first few days of school. As leaders, it is important to harness and sustain that energy throughout the year.

A few years ago, I participated in a book study on Jon Gordon’s The Energy Bus. This summer, as I reflected on a topic for school leaders in August, I was reminded of Gordon’s description of a CEO as “Chief Energy Officer.” Enthusiasm and an optimistic outlook on life are contagious and energize everyone around you. As leaders, we need to be aware of tapping into the heart of leading and continually be mindful of the energy we project.

Keep your energy, enthusiasm, and optimistic mindset at full tilt with simple activities such as:

  • Listening to brain-stretching music;
  • Taking an energy walk around your building to see the great things happening for kids;
  • Reading and sharing quotes on optimism, positivity, and leading and learning;
  • Listening to podcasts;
  • Watching or sharing video blogs on Periscope;
  • Participating in Twitter or Voxer chats; and
  • Taking the time to smile, laugh, dance, etc. multiple times a day.

The potential for positive energy is endless. I challenge you to seek out, find, and share energy each and every day that is positive, inspiring, and powerful to make a difference for others. Everyone has the ability and potential to be the Chief Energy Officer. Having a positive mindset is a choice each of us makes every day!