

Conscious Communication

As part of my goal to continue to grow, I recently accepted Oprah’s invitation to participate in a free 21-day Meditation Challenge (https://chopracentermeditation.com/).  It was led by Deepak Chopra, founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing and is acknowledged as one of the master teachers of Eastern philosophy in the Western world.  Each day they included a “Mindful Moment.”  I thought this one was worth sharing:

Today we invite you to try a conscious communication practice rooted in the Buddhist tradition. Before you speak, ask yourself these four questions:

  1. Is what I’m about to say kind?
  2. It is true?
  3. Is it necessary?
  4. Does it improve upon the silence?

If you can answer yes to all four questions, then your words will resonate with authenticity and love. Consider posting these four questions somewhere you will see them each day, maybe adding them to the wallpaper on your phone. Each carefully delivered communication will provide you with abundant blessings.

They go on to say:

This is a pivotal moment on our journey together, a time to choose how we aspire to use our voice in the world from this moment on. In essence, we are choosing the tone and quality of our relationships and daily life experience. Let’s take a moment and check in with ourselves right now.

  • Were you open and accepting in your most recent interactions?
  • Did you give the gift of your attention to those speaking to you?
  • Did you allow yourself to see the miracle of each person that crossed your path?
  • If you got off-track did you take a deep breath, forgive yourself and then start the practice again?

How are you using your voice as principal of your school?
